"When the stars shine at night, know that I'm looking down at you."

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Societal Monotony

I am now at the point in my life where I have no interest in taking part in societal monotony. I have never found a liking in conforming to the public's view of how life should be lived, what clothes are in fashion, the picture of perfection in all aspects of materialism and superficiality and most of all, the stereotypical view of many on the physical interpretation of beauty.

Further more, I am utterly disgusted by the idea of resigning myself to such actions and high regard for the frivolous, materialistic and sundry desires of which society now has condemned others to thinking is a necessity.

These superficial propensities have caused a stir in my heart and mind due to the sad yet fast-spreading idea of what beauty should look like on the outside, rather than what beauty should be like in the inside.

I cannot deny the possibility of myself conforming to such ways of which I am highly in disagreement to. Then I shall have to admit that societal influence has grown stronger with every passing year and that I am fast becoming a victim like so many others who have given in at the expense of their reputation. And as such I am admitting that I am under the pressure of being just that of which I do not want to become.

That said, I am against my own accord. I will one day succumb, if I do not already, but as long as I am still in my current teenage mind, channeling uncharted waters, I shall write this down, save it, then delete it 20 years from now.

Monday, April 4, 2011

LoveSick and Sick of Love

He made me feel special, they all did. That's what they all do, until they decide to give you up.

I've been feeling down lately because I do not understand why different people from different walks of life do the same old, painful things to me. It's like a routine they practice at some school; first they make you feel all pretty and important, and then they'll make you feel cared for. And usually, at this point, you fall for their tricks, but not me. I don't because I test them; see if they'll take that extra mile for me. And I always end up disappointed.

No one is willing to make time when there is no time. And you'll know if a guy really cares for you because he'll MAKE time for you NO MATTER WHAT.

"You'll know he cares if he's always there, even if he can't be around. He'll make you feel like you're special because he knows it's true. He won't force emotion nor feelings because they all come naturally when he sees you."