Yes, friends can say the craziest things that might mean something totally different to you. It's really cool how friendships are; one thing I've learned:
"Count your blessings, and not your sheep. Why? You don't have sheep, so why count them? Unless you're a farmer. But farmers consider having sheep a blessing."
If we keep counting what we don't have, we'll make our lives miserable. We'll feel so empty and alone when in fact, we aren't. That was my mistake. I kept counting all the things I didn't have and didn't like about my life that I forgot about the things that actually mattered. I kept writing about all the people who let me down and complained about them and forgot about the people who really cared about me and who'd never replace me no matter what.
These blogs may mean nothing to you, but it definitely means something to me. I'm happy I have a sister who makes me believe that I can do so much more than what I think I can. I'm happy I have a mom who'd make me strive for the best by realizing what is truly meant by taking the risk of failure, and I'm happy I have a family who I can look up to no matter what and where. My friends are gifts to me and I have to treasure them. My life, my love, my God. Every little thing is a blessing counted. And every little blessing has its place in my heart.
Happy Valentine's Day!
TTFN, Tah Tah For Now (Like TIGGER!)